Our Best Deal Policy

  1. Guarantee is valid only for legitimate Authorized retailers.
  2. The Authorized Internet retailer must have the identical product in-stock.
  3. Our Guarantee is valid for only one price match per order and is limited to up to three (3) of the same product, shipped to the same address.
  4. We only price match USA retailers and websites.
  5. Prices are compared by item and include the product price, applicable taxes, plus shipping & handling charges when calculating the competitor's total price.
  6. Our Guarantee does not apply to non manufacturers warranted products or gray market items on our site. 'Gray' products have unauthorized and unsupported resale.
  7. Our policy excludes limited closeout specials, auction items, clearance items, refurbished or used products, special orders, special 'club member' pricing, products subject to a no return policy and incorrect pricing that is the result of a typographical error or omission.
  8. Our policy excludes limited closeout specials, auction items, clearance items, refurbished or used products, special orders, special 'club member' pricing, products subject to a no return policy and incorrect pricing that is the result of a typographical error or omission.
  9. Auction site retailers are not qualified for price comparison.
  10. Retailers that offer considerably lower prices online but charge exorbitant shipping, handling and insurance charges.
  11. Retailers that employ bait and switch tactics. These unethical retailers show considerably lower prices online and when contacted by telephone they change the selling price or reveal the item is out of stock or discontinued and try to sell you a different product entirely.
  12. Retailers that specialize in the sale of refurbished products or products that have been purchased in distressed condition and represent those products as new.
  13. Retailers that are not Manufacturer Authorized Online Resellers, which can result in the product not being under warranty and thus being sold at lower prices.